The boxwood coverings for the natural keys were scored with a knife as a decoration to distract the eye from the joint formed between the front of the key and the skinnier back of the key between the sharps. Later, the side edges will be rounded as shown on the José Calisto harpsichord (Portugal, 1780) residing in the National Music Museum. In the photo of the Calisto harpsichord, the decorative lines are just visible toward the back of the head of each natural key. straightedge was clamped to the keyboard to guide an X-Acto knife that was used to score the lines by hand. The technique worked relatively well, except that the X-Acto blade produced a line that was too thin to be seen easily. Real trouble began when I tried to use a very fine tooth Japanese-style saw to enhance the line. The photo below shows my attempt to score multiple keys at once using the saw held against a straight-edge clamped to the keys. On the third line, the straightedge slipped, resulting in an unacceptably crooked line.
Fortunately, the key coverings, which were bonded with hide glue, were able to be removed. The first attempt to remove the key covers was to bake the keys in an oven to raise the wood temperature to the melting point of the glue (about 145℉). Setting the oven to 250℉ did not get the wood hot enough for the glue to melt. Baking at a higher temperature was considered too risky, as the wood might start to smolder. So a second attempt at melting the glue was made by applying steam to the joint directly from the spout of a teapot using a towel wrapped around the key lever as a kind of steam box. Again, the glue bond would not get hot enough to melt. Finally, the key levers were immersed in water that was first heated to a boil and then poured into a glass jar, which itself was immersed in a heated pot also filled with water to keep the temperature from cooling off too fast. Usually, two minutes of soaking was enough to melt the hide glue. In some cases, a little mechanical impact with the tip of a screwdriver was needed to break the bond. Hide glue is strong stuff!